In a recent alert, Mitel has informed their users that they are recommending a new best practice for voicemails by hosting them on a Linux-based distributed voice server (DVS). Previously, their recommendation was to leave voicemails on
the HQ server, which our team has advised against for several years now due to potential a potential strain on bandwidth.
Previously, Mitel has charged $900 for a DVS license. The license fee is now being waived for those who wish to capitalize on a DVS server, and Converged Technology Professionals can complete the installation on your behalf with our professional services team.
Additionally, Mitel has informed users that this upgrade must be completed in order to continue receiving technical support for any issue involving the HQ server, so we recommend proceeding with this upgrade as soon as possible. Contact your
account representative today to get started or request additional information.
If any questions, please reach out to your account manager and they'll be glad to assist. If you are not a current customer and are looking for a reliable Mitel/ShoreTel Partner to help your business, or if you're wondering how to proceed after the Mitel/RingCentral acquisitions, please contact us using our contact form.

As additional details of the Mitel RingCentral acquisition emerge from our partners, we will continue to update our news feed here. Or if you need immediate support, please reach out to one of our cloud procurement specialists.
*This information was provided to us from Mitel through their Partner communications. This information is accurate at the time of publication however is subject to changes at any time. Contact your Converged Technology Professionals account rep for further details.