When you peruse news feeds on LinkedIn and IT Blogs one of the things that strikes you is the push to the bleeding edge on how fast everything is moving. Soon we will be consuming all of our unified communications via mobility and the cloud.
To put it bluntly, it is true for a cross section of our users! We have many clients pushing the envelope and wanting more ways to communicate within the business no matter their geography.
One thing I still hear quite frequently from some clients though, is they want the phone to ring and be able to pick it up and have fantastic voice quality every single time.
Like every family, a business has a cross section of users that consumes technology in very different ways. It's not always a generational difference, so don't they caught-up there. In our family Grandpa Bills runs circles around the younger generation when it comes to consuming technology.
One of the most important factors when looking at implementing a new unified communications technology in any business is to provide the ability to have something for the whole family of users.
The CT-Pro's family of users appreciates the fact that we bring a balance in this area. Be sure to keep in mind these five considerations when choosing your UC partner:
- We provide solutions that are at their core, rock-solid ways to deliver pristine voice quality.
- We vet all manufacturer software releases typically longer than most partners to make sure each release is "baked" and ready for prime time.
- We go through a rigorous upgrade pre-questionnaire with an engineer for each upgrade to make sure the environment hasn't changed and that all technologies will continue to talk flawlessly.
- Most importantly, we keep our customers apprised of the roadmap. Technology plans don't happen overnight, and many times knowing 12-18 months out what is coming and possible is important for an overall technology plan, as it can affect other technologies in the business.
The bottom line... Feel safe in knowing your partner can still disco and lead you in a comfortable path.