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Soundbyte: Can RingCentral's Engage Digital Platform Connect With Custom Data Systems? (1:33)

Webinar soundbyte from full webinar: RingCentral: Engage Digital Contact Center Demo


  • Christopher DeLeon, RingCentral
  • Chris Frey, Converged Technology Professionals
0:00 / 0:00



Video Transcription

Chris Frey: It looks like from the demo that the platform itself helps you store information, to help kind of pull together user information from different channels. What about for customers that want to connect this to their own data systems, whether it be CRM, or even something that's in house?


Christopher DeLeon: Great question. So, the great thing about Engage Digitalis we have plenty of prebuilt connectors. So, to Facebook, to Twitter, Google My Business, Apple Business Chat and more. But all of those prebuilt connectors were built off of the open SDK, that's available to everyone with Engage Digital.

So, if a customer has their own CRM or database, or maybe their own platform, that’s not a typical social network, but they want to route those interactions into Engage Digital, they definitely have the capability to do that with our open SDK platform.

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